Vi er glade for at kunne præsentere den næste indlægsholder på den kommende FSCPH konference.
Colin Easton fra EFSTAS vil give et spændende indlæg om ’Security Risk Assessment’. Vil du også vide mere om dette emne? – Husk at tilmelde dig på
Læs mere Colin Easton og hans bidrag til konferencen herunder.
Vi ses til FSCPH konferencen den 19. & 20. november 2019 i København.
fusion_global=”4234″]strong>We are proud to announce the lucky winner of the draw.
Congratulations to Marianne Lauritzen from the Danish Working Environment Authority. Marianne won a functional safety course that Global Functional Safety will provide this autumn.
Thanks to all who participated in the draw.
If you also are interested to participate in one of our courses, find more information here on our site.