About Admin

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So far Admin has created 205 blog entries.

DotBlue might be a new name..

DotBlue may be a new name - but did you see that there is more than 25 years of history behind it? We changed our name at the end of 2023. In addition, the semicircles in our logo symbolize the 3 companies that were merged and now [...]

2024-02-12T13:45:29+01:0011. January 2024|DotBlue News|

Christmas 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year 🌟 Thanks for the year 2023, which has passed and we look forward to 2024, with good colleagues, exciting projects and more Functional Safety events. [...]

2023-12-29T23:53:07+01:0021. December 2023|DotBlue News|


We are now DotBlue A/S DotBlue may be a new name - but we are still the same team, with more than 25 years of history and experience within Technical Safety. The companies Global Functional Safety ApS (GFS) and Functional Safety Copenhagen ApS (FSCPH) have merged with [...]

2023-11-30T14:18:52+01:001. December 2023|DotBlue News|

ISO 9001 Certified

One thing is certain: it is not an easy task to obtain an ISO 9001 certification! Neither for us. We are beyond proud of our ISO 9001 certificate which we obtained in 2021. With a quality management system at that level, we must admit that we have improved. A [...]

2023-11-22T10:52:56+01:008. February 2023|Announcement, GFS, ISO9001|

Global Functional Safety – A part of the development

Again this year, Global functional Safety has taken an active part in the development of the Functional Safety standards. To improve, we also participate in S-531 “Explosive atmospheres in relation to the ATEX directives”. We gain knowledge of the new requirements and it enable us to influence the preparation and [...]

2023-11-22T10:54:43+01:0027. January 2023|Functional Safety|

TÜV Symposium

Last week it was very quiet at the office. Several of our colleagues were travelling abroad. Some were in Norway for a Risk Assessment workshop, while others had traveled to Germany to participate in the annual TÜV Rheinland Symposium in Cologne, where Functional Safety and Cyber Security were in [...]

2023-11-22T10:53:17+01:003. October 2022|Event, Exhibition, Functional Safety, GFS, HAZOP, Risk Assessment|

Together we are the strongest team!

This motto is a big part of our daily lives, and we know that by standing together we can make a difference. It is hard and difficult times and now more than ever, there is a need for all of us to be standing side by side. We want to [...]

2023-11-22T10:53:33+01:0013. March 2022|Announcement, GFS|

Global Functional Safety – An active choice

Global functional Safety has taken an active part in the development of the Functional Safety standards. To improve, we also participate in S-531 “Explosive atmospheres in relation to the ATEX directives”. We gain knowledge of the new requirements and it enable us to influence the preparation and perception of the [...]

2023-11-22T10:55:56+01:0025. January 2022|ATEX, Functional Safety, Membership|
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