About Admin

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So far Admin has created 205 blog entries.

Seasons Greetings 2019

GFS wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year! We are nearing the end of 2019, and so, it is time to give thanks for the year that has passed. In GFS we have been extremely busy with many workshops and courses, besides a lot [...]

2023-11-22T11:08:11+01:0020. December 2019|Announcement, Collaboration, GFS, Greetings|

NEW GFS OFFICE – Meet us in Farum

Today, the 1st December, we are happy to announce that we are opening our new office department in Farum Are you nearby? – Feel free to swing by and meet Global Functional Safety ApS (GFS) on our new address Gydevej 85. With permanent office departments located in Kalundborg, Horsens [...]

2023-11-22T11:09:29+01:001. December 2019|Announcement, Collaboration, GFS|


Even experts need courses in - and refresh of - different risk assessment methods! Thus, Global Functional Safety ApS has once again the pleasure of delivering a company-customized course in Risk Assessment and the various methods for identifying and assessing potential risks, and not least- the presentation thereof. Like [...]

2023-11-22T11:09:16+01:004. November 2019|Courses, Event, GFS, Risk Assessment|

Successful ATEX course af GFS

This September GFS once again held the popular course "Practical approach to ATEX installations". The first part of the course had focus on basic introduction to theory and legislation behind ATEX (EX) installations, as well as practice in marking and reading of product nameplates. After lunch, it was time [...]

2023-11-22T11:10:24+01:003. October 2019|ATEX, Courses, Event, Functional Safety, GFS|

See you at the Functional Safety conference at Bella Center Copenhagen?

Join us at the FSCPH’19 conference for some interesting days, the 19th & 20th November 2019. Swing by and get a chance to meet our two TÜV certified Functional Safety Experts, who are ready to assist you at the conference. Are you aware that we are also doing a [...]

More ATEX Courses in GFS

GFS just held another company-specific ATEX course with focus on the practical approach to ATEX installations In addition to a theoretical review, the course had lots of exercises and debate, so that the participants also got hands-on experience. It is crucial for the participants' understanding to provide an overview [...]

2023-11-22T11:09:50+01:0025. June 2019|ATEX, Courses, Event, Functional Safety, GFS|

Yet another TÜV Expert in GFS

On behalf of Global Functional Safety ApS (GFS) we are proud to inform, that we can assist with a TÜV Rheinland certified expert, who will support all our customers with various types of Risk Assessments. Rikke Lund Jensen is now a TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Expert within Process Hazard [...]

Courses focusing on Functional Safety

At the request of Denmark's largest energy company, Global Functional Safety ApS (GFS) in March held courses in Danish in "Functional Safety Introduction" for more than 50 participants spread over 3 course days. The energy group's desire was to disseminate knowledge of Functional Safety internally among their employees across [...]

2023-11-22T11:11:12+01:0025. March 2019|Announcement, Courses, Event, Functional Safety, GFS, IEC 61508, IEC 61511, SIF, SIL, SIS|
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