Nordic Business Awards Winner 2016

LUND Engineers & Contractors A/S is one of the Nordic Business Awards Winners nominated as the “Fastest Growing Engineering Company of the Year 2016 & Most Innovative Electrical Engineering & Instrumentation Contractors” by Corporate Vision Magazine. At LUND Engineers & Contractors A/S we are very proud that we have been nominated [...]

2016-10-17T21:41:57+02:0017. October 2016|Awards, LUND, Press & Announcements, Team LUND|

Go-home meetings in the fall

Invitation to go-home meetings In the fall, 2016, GFS organizes a series of free go-home meetings in collaboration with Techcare and Tapora System Safety. We are looking forward to welcoming you and your colleagues on the following dates: >  Thursday, October 20th in Glostrup Human factor in the HAZOP process [...]

TÜV courses and go-home meetings

In November GFS is running TÜV Functional Safety courses for engineers as well as Technicians. The courses are arranged in collaboration with EFSTAS UK. The courses will provide the participants with detailed knowledge of the principles and requirements of functional safety according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511. All courses [...]

Hattrick – Gazelle 2016

All good times 3 - Once again, LUND Engineers & Contractors A/S has been awarded as Gazelle company 2016. Since we have been awarded in 2014 and in 2015 we are proud to call it a hattrick. In November, we will receive a nice diploma, in which they will congratulate [...]

2016-09-06T21:39:08+02:006. September 2016|Awards, LUND, Press & Announcements, Team LUND|

First Aid

This weekend, the entire LUND Team was to refresh their skills within first aid. After a 3 hours course in basic first aid and the use of defibrillators, we are now up to date with the latest additions and changes. It was a very educational course provided by ABC-care. ABC-care [...]

2016-09-06T21:24:46+02:006. September 2016|Courses, Event, HSSE, LUND, Team LUND|

Functional Safety Conference 2017

Once again, Global Functional Safety joins the Functional Safety Conference, which provide beneficial knowledge to both the process and machinery industry. We can highly recommend this event, and we are looking forward to two days of interesting speaks and exhibitions. Visit the FSCPH conference for further information and book your [...]

2023-11-22T11:20:57+01:0025. July 2016|Conference, Event, Forum, Functional Safety, GFS|

Thank you to all who have attended our go-home meetings

The meetings were held in collaboration with the companies Adding Engineering and GasDetect. On our trip around the country we have visited Aalborg, Middelfart and Glostrup. The individual events have addressed topics such as: – Functional Safety Introduction to IEC 61508 – Basic principles – Functional Safety Introduction to IEC [...]

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