GFS is present at Ajour

GFS will participate in Ajour 2015, 'Maskinmestrenes erhvervskonference', in Odense Congress Center on November 19-20. Come and visit us at booth 5143 and learn more about what we can offer your company within the fields of Risk Assessment, SIL calculations, requirements for SIL components and certified TÜV Rheinland courses.

2023-11-22T11:23:01+01:0010. November 2015|Event, Exhibition, GFS|

Gazelle 2015 award

Guess what? Again and again. We are very busy at LUND Engineers & Contractors A/S, in fact, so busy that we have not had time to share the news until now. Once again, LUND Engineers & Contractors A/S is the proud recipient of the Gazelle Award - and with good [...]

2015-10-13T19:27:05+02:0013. October 2015|Awards, LUND, Press & Announcements, Team LUND|

Company event 2015

Once again all associates in LUND Engineers & Contractors A/S were gathered for spending a nice weekend together at the annual company event, this time taking place in Copenhagen. The weather was not optimal, but the event was a bullet proof hit, none the less. Many thanks for an enjoyable [...]

2015-09-08T19:06:18+02:008. September 2015|LUND|

GFS in-house courses in Denmark and South Korea

GFS has recently held a number of in-house customized courses for customers as DONG E&P and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Last month GFS held a course for the DONG commissioning team at the DSME (Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering) facilities in South Korea. DSME is the second largest shipbuilder [...]

2023-11-22T11:22:47+01:0027. July 2015|Courses, Functional Safety, GFS|


Cancer is a horrible disease that affects us all. Unfortunately, the trend that more are diagnosed with the disease, and every day hit 48 Danish men cancer. LUND Engineers & Contractors A/S has chosen to support the campaign “MAN IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE”, which contributes to research, prevention and support [...]

2015-06-29T18:45:27+02:0029. June 2015|LUND, Press & Announcements, Sponsorship|

Welcome to 2015

We are starting the year at GFS by presenting one of our new colleagues – Jakob Stoltenberg Petersen. Jakob comes from a position at Statoil, where he mainly worked with Functional Safety and instrumentation. Jakob is a TÜV Certified FS Engineer and has takem several courses in Functional Safety from [...]

2023-11-22T11:35:24+01:005. January 2015|GFS, Job|

Job application – Functional Safety Engineer

Global Functional Safety seeks two Functional Safety Engineers for the process industry. If you enjoy working in a fast-moving environment and prefer working solely with functional safety, you should definitely apply for this job at GFS. Would you like to know more about these positions? Contact Mikael Lund, Manager on [...]

2023-11-07T14:51:39+01:0019. November 2014|GFS, Job|

Gazelle 2014 award

Gallop gallop .. this is the message in the corridors at LUND Engineers & Contractors A/S. 'Børsen' has once again named the fastest growing companies in Denmark and among them are LUND Engineers & Contractors A/S. The company has received a nice diploma and we can now call us a [...]

2014-10-07T18:37:30+02:007. October 2014|Awards, LUND, Press & Announcements|
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