Online courses – on demand

In collaboration with experienced teachers, FSCPH ApS will soon offer online courses in Functional Safety - on demand. Want to learn more about Risk Assessments or maybe have an Introduction to Functional Safety? Then we have made it easy and simple to update your skills - when it suits you [...]

2023-11-07T15:40:30+01:0027. March 2020|Online courses|

Action against COVID-19

Dear Partners and Friends of the House In light of the recent developments in relation to COVID-19 and the government's announcement at last night's press conference, we have chosen to reschedule all physical meetings with Customers and Partners to web-based meetings. Practically, this means that we very much like to [...]

2023-11-22T11:37:10+01:0012. March 2020|Announcement, GFS|

Action against COVID-19

Dear Partners and Friends of the House In light of the recent developments in relation to COVID-19 and the government's announcement at last night's press conference, we have chosen to reschedule all physical meetings with Customers and Partners to web-based meetings. Practically, this means that we very much like to [...]

2020-03-12T13:27:03+01:0012. March 2020|LUND, Press & Announcements|

FS FORUM 2020 │ New event

Join our next event ’FS Forum 2020’, on the 28th October 2020 at Roskilde Kongrescenter! Functional Safety Forum 2020 is a Danish event with focus on the process industry. Do you need to be in the loop? – Make sure to get your ticket to our next event and gain [...]

2023-11-07T15:40:40+01:006. March 2020|FS Forum 2020|

Meet Dan Christensen

*** ONLY IN DANISH *** Hils på Dan – en ualmindelig rar mand og kollega! Til daglig møder Dan Christensen ind hos én af vores kunder i indenfor olie og gasindustrien i Fredericia, hvor Dan er yderst professionel og engageret i sit arbejde med den mekaniske dokumentation. Dan’s evne [...]

2020-02-20T12:10:55+01:0020. February 2020|Greetings, LUND, Team LUND|

Meet Per Madsen

*** ONLY IN DANISH *** ”Hvem er sejest på sitet der? - Det er selvfølgelig Per Madsen her” Sådan kan man sagtens sige om Per – vores gode kollega – helt uden at prale! Per Madsen er en af vores superseje Instrument Ingeniører der dagligt hjælper en af vores [...]

2020-01-24T13:57:29+01:0024. January 2020|Greetings, LUND, Team LUND|

Seasons Greetings 2019

GFS wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year! We are nearing the end of 2019, and so, it is time to give thanks for the year that has passed. In GFS we have been extremely busy with many workshops and courses, besides a lot [...]

2023-11-22T11:08:11+01:0020. December 2019|Announcement, Collaboration, GFS, Greetings|

Seasons Greetings 2019

THANK YOU for the trust, cooperation and future opportunities - We look forward to 2020! LUND E&C thanks for the year 2019, which has flown away so fast. This year, we have welcomed new employees, customers and projects, which we greatly appreciate. At the same time, we are also [...]

2019-12-19T10:05:43+01:0019. December 2019|Greetings, LUND, Press & Announcements, Team LUND|
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