Meet Bjarne Grue Knudsen

*** ONLY IN DANISH *** Mød vores top-professionelle problem-knuser Bjarne! Bjarne Grue Knudsen er en af vores herre-seje Instrument Ingeniører som i det daglige huserer ved én af vores kunder i Kalundborg. Her bruger han sine mange års erfaring som specialist i instrumenteringsdesign på at udbygge, opbygge og opgradere pharmaceutiske [...]

2020-07-23T10:28:38+02:0023. July 2020|Greetings, LUND, Team LUND|

Online courses – on demand

In collaboration with experienced teachers, FSCPH ApS will soon offer online courses in Functional Safety - on demand. Want to learn more about Risk Assessments or maybe have an Introduction to Functional Safety? Then we have made it easy and simple to update your skills - when it suits you [...]

2023-11-07T15:40:30+01:0027. March 2020|Online courses|

Action against COVID-19

Dear Partners and Friends of the House In light of the recent developments in relation to COVID-19 and the government's announcement at last night's press conference, we have chosen to reschedule all physical meetings with Customers and Partners to web-based meetings. Practically, this means that we very much like to [...]

2023-11-22T11:37:10+01:0012. March 2020|Announcement, GFS|

Action against COVID-19

Dear Partners and Friends of the House In light of the recent developments in relation to COVID-19 and the government's announcement at last night's press conference, we have chosen to reschedule all physical meetings with Customers and Partners to web-based meetings. Practically, this means that we very much like to [...]

2020-03-12T13:27:03+01:0012. March 2020|LUND, Press & Announcements|

FS FORUM 2020 │ New event

Join our next event ’FS Forum 2020’, on the 28th October 2020 at Roskilde Kongrescenter! Functional Safety Forum 2020 is a Danish event with focus on the process industry. Do you need to be in the loop? – Make sure to get your ticket to our next event and gain [...]

2023-11-07T15:40:40+01:006. March 2020|FS Forum 2020|

Meet Dan Christensen

*** ONLY IN DANISH *** Hils på Dan – en ualmindelig rar mand og kollega! Til daglig møder Dan Christensen ind hos én af vores kunder i indenfor olie og gasindustrien i Fredericia, hvor Dan er yderst professionel og engageret i sit arbejde med den mekaniske dokumentation. Dan’s evne [...]

2020-02-20T12:10:55+01:0020. February 2020|Greetings, LUND, Team LUND|

Meet Per Madsen

*** ONLY IN DANISH *** ”Hvem er sejest på sitet der? - Det er selvfølgelig Per Madsen her” Sådan kan man sagtens sige om Per – vores gode kollega – helt uden at prale! Per Madsen er en af vores superseje Instrument Ingeniører der dagligt hjælper en af vores [...]

2020-01-24T13:57:29+01:0024. January 2020|Greetings, LUND, Team LUND|
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