See you at the Functional Safety conference at Bella Center Copenhagen?

Join us at the FSCPH’19 conference for some interesting days, the 19th & 20th November 2019. Swing by and get a chance to meet our two TÜV certified Functional Safety Experts, who are ready to assist you at the conference. Are you aware that we are also doing a [...]

Meet Martin Møller Nielsen

*** ONLY IN DANISH *** Sig HEJ til Martin - vores fantastiske kollega! Vi er så heldige at have Martin Møller Nielsen - vores super dygtige el ingeniør - ansat på kontoret i Kalundborg. Med sin ihærdighed, rolige tilgang og lune charme håndterer Martin både opgaver, kunder og ikke [...]

2019-09-26T12:23:41+02:0026. September 2019|Greetings, LUND, Team LUND|

LUND Company trip 2019

*** ONLY IN DANISH *** LUND firmatur 2019 I weekenden afholdte vi i LUND E&C A/S den årlige firmatur – som denne gang foregik i Horsens. Udover det fantastiske selskab samt gode vejr, bød weekenden blandt andet en tur forbi Fængslet i Horsens. Vi takker for en dejlig weekend [...]

2019-09-17T19:48:30+02:0017. September 2019|Event, LUND, Team LUND|

Gold Exhibitor │ Bowitek ApS

We welcome the next Gold Exhibitor at the FSCPH conference. Bowitek ApS is the next Gold Exhibitor at the Functional Safety Conference 2019. Bowitek ApS specializes in streamlining the entire CE marking process, which helps saving money while increasing quality. Once visiting Bowitek ApS at FSCPH, you get the opportunity [...]

2023-11-07T15:45:13+01:006. September 2019|FSCPH'19|

FSCPH’19 │ New speaker from Siemens AG – Digtial Industries

Today we present another speakers at the FSCPH conference.Today we welcome Holger Laible from Siemens AG – Digital Industries. Holger Laible will do a presentation about ”How security establishes an environment for safety”.Holger Laible has more than 10 years’ experience with Functional Safety and has worked with safety and certification [...]

2023-11-07T15:45:13+01:0022. August 2019|FSCPH'19|

Meet Karina With

*** ONLY IN DANISH *** Mød vores fantastiske kollega Karina! Karina With er en del af vores super seje HR team. Karina er eminent god til at jonglere mange opgaver på samme tid og så er det faktisk også Karina som står for at udarbejde samarbejdskontrakter med vores kunder. [...]

2019-08-22T08:48:59+02:0022. August 2019|Greetings, LUND, Team LUND|

FSCPH’19 │ New speaker from ABB

We welcome the next speaker at the FSCPH conference. Today we can add ABB to the FSCPH program. ABB will join with a presentation about “Modifications in a facility”. ABB has been a part of the conference since the beginning and we a glad for the continuously support. Do [...]

2023-11-07T15:46:21+01:004. July 2019|FSCPH'19|

FSCPH’19 │ New speaker from Global Functional Safety ApS

Today we welcome another speaker at the FSCPH conference. Once again will Global Functional Safety ApS “GFS” attend the conference as speaker. GFS is a company specialized within Functional Safety and Risk assessments, and has been a part of the conference since the beginning in 2015. The speaker from [...]

2023-11-07T15:46:21+01:002. July 2019|FSCPH'19|

FSCPH’19 │ New speakers from Lego

Today we present two new speakers at the FSCPH conference. We are glad to inform, that Lego will join the conference as speaker this year. They will tell more about the topic “Qualifications for service personnel”. Lego has previously attended the conference and we appreciate that they still share [...]

2023-11-07T15:46:21+01:0025. June 2019|FSCPH'19|

More ATEX Courses in GFS

GFS just held another company-specific ATEX course with focus on the practical approach to ATEX installations In addition to a theoretical review, the course had lots of exercises and debate, so that the participants also got hands-on experience. It is crucial for the participants' understanding to provide an overview [...]

2023-11-22T11:09:50+01:0025. June 2019|ATEX, Courses, Event, Functional Safety, GFS|
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