The meetings were held in collaboration with the companies Adding Engineering and GasDetect. On our trip around the country we have visited Aalborg, Middelfart and Glostrup.
The individual events have addressed topics such as:
– Functional Safety Introduction to IEC 61508 – Basic principles
– Functional Safety Introduction to IEC 61511 – Process Industry
– Revised 2016 edition of IEC 61511 (Rev. 2)
– Risk Assessment and Gas Detection
– Functional Safety: which standards and guidelines can be used
We are very pleased that so many chose to attend these meetings.
Therefore, in the autumn of 2016, we will hold more similar go-home meetings, as we can see that there is a need for more information on the factors included in the Functional Safety principles.
In the autumn we will, among other things, inform a little more about the new measures in the ref. 2 of IEC 61511, look at the human factor in relation to risk assessment and design of security systems.