FS Conference’25

The event will be held at ‘Marienlyst Strandhotel’, Helsingør
On March 19th – 20th 2025

FS Conference’25 gives you as a participant 2 days full of inspiration, information, networking opportunities and tools about Functional Safety, that can definitely be used in future work!

Leading companies from Denmark and abroad, with expertise in Functional Safety, will come together with the simple goal of having Machine- and Process safety in focus.

There will be presentations of common interest as well as specific sessions that go in depth with the topics that are currently moving in the industry.
The presentations will take place in English.

At our network area, there will be a unique opportunity for establishing new contacts.

Why is Functional Safety so relevant?

Functional Safety is a term that covers many safety aspects within Machine and Process facilities. It is a systematic way of finding the right safety level for a Machine or a Process plant. This is based on process handling, the identification of risks, calculation and visualization of the measures that can be taken to counter this risk.

With Functional Safety solutions, you can protect human life, the environment, as well as the company assets and image.

The reason for the present legal requirements and standards – that exist today – is because accidents happen!

Why should you participate?

When your join our Functional Safety Conference, you will not only take part in the largest Functional Safety Conference in the Nordics, you will also gain the following benefits, which are included in the price:

  • Free access for one named person
  • 2-days Conference Event with refreshments and lunch
  • Evening Dinner Event
  • Emphasize the safety standards importance by leading Experts
  • Network and knowledge sharing
  • Raise your awareness within Functional Safety
  • Understanding risk and stay safe

March 19th – 20th 2025

Venue Location
Marienlyst Strandhotel
Nordre Strandvej 2A, 3000 Helsingør

Conference Fee
DKK 14.400,- ex. VAT

Do you want to be an exhibitor?

Meet the Exhibitors

The Event Program

Wednesday, March 19th 2025

08:00 08:30Registry │ Breakfast
08:30 08:50Welcome │ Practical information
Welcome to FS Conference'25 - Two days with focus on Functional Safety

By Karina With & Rikke Lund Jensen

Karina With
Presenter / Host, DotBlue A/S

Rikke Lund Jensen
Presenter / Host, DotBlue A/S

Rikke is a TÜV Rheinland certified Functional Safety Expert PH&RA and Functional Safety Engineer SIS.
08:50 09:00Exhibition │ Network
09:00 09:45Rambøll Denmark
Management of Functional Safety and Cyber Security – Theory meets Reality

In this presentation we will discuss what happens when the theory of Functional Safety and Cyber Security Management meets Reality. This means both providing an overview of the theory and framework of Functional Safety and Cyber Security Management, as well as discussing cases based on our experience from when theory meets reality.
Patrick Nielsen
Team Lead Automation and Communication, Ramboll

Patrick is Team Lead and Senior engineer with Ramboll and has worked with the IEC 61511 safety lifecycle in a variety of projects, from equipment development to large scale projects in power plants and on offshore installations, with a focus on managing Functional Safety.
09:45 10:30DNV Denmark A/S
How you should (not) use risk matrices.

The risk matrix is a very simple tool for risk analysis - and therefore widely used. But simplicity comes with some costs - and one should be aware of those. In this presentation we will look at limitations of the risk matrix and how one can deal with them. The presentation will be based on a paper published in 2015 in Safety Science.
Nijs Jan Duijm
Principal Risk Specialist, DNV Denmark A/S

Nijs Jan Duijm is Principal Risk Specialist at DNV Energy Systems. His main task is to perform and review technical risk assessments in the fields of Oil and Gas, Major Hazard Industries, Railway Infrastructure, Electrolysis, PtX and CCS. Through previous work and research at TNO (Netherlands) and Risø National Laboratory/DTU he has gained insights in various topics related to risk analysis of technical systems.
10:30 10:50Exhibition │ Network
10:50 11:35LEGO
Modification of Machinery. Substantial or not today.

Machinery and especially assemblies of machinery are very often modified during its lifetime. How to be compliant with legal requirements today as well as after January 2027 (new Machinery Regulation) when modifying machinery.
Mads Madsen
Senior EHS Manager, LEGO

Marine Engineer.
Worked with EHS topics as: -EHS Manager, -EHS consultant, -Danish WEA inspector for 20+ years
11:35 12:20Eltronic Fueltech
Safety documentation in a nutshell - Who do you want to save?

A tour around the world of safety documentation and safety work. Do you dare to rethink the way you use safety documentation from a risk assessment ?
A talk about getting the message through the whole company and to give time to listen.
Tomas Bastholm Broe
Senior Process Risk and Safety Specialist, Eltronic Fueltech

12:20 14:00Lunch │ Exhibition & Network
14:00 14:45ABB Denmark A/S
High Demand Mode in Process Industry

High Demand Mode is typically prevalent in the machine industry and transportation sectors, whereas Low Demand Mode is common in the process industry. But what happens when we encounter High Demand Mode in the process industry under IEC 61511? How do we address this challenge?
Using the same approach as for Low Demand SIFs can lead to incorrect calculations, resulting in misleading risk reduction measures and flawed risk assessments. Join us to explore a method to determining the SIL definition for a High Demand Mode SIF and ensure accurate and reliable safety measures in process industry.
Henrik Skovsgaard
Functional Safety Expert, TÜV Rheinland #161/11, SIS, ABB Denmark

Henrik has 29 years of experience in process safety, and with his background in programming and teaching ABB's safety controllers, he always strives to have a practical approach to Functional Safety, ensuring it works in real-life scenarios.
14:45 15:30Siemens A/S
Safety Evaluation with TIA Selection Tool according to IEC 62061 and ISO 13849-1

A short approach to where the TIA Selection Tool (TST) is in our ecosystem, after which Ole will go in depth with the TST Safety Evaluation.
The presentation will have a live demo that shows how easily and intuitively one can generate a report documenting the PL or SIL classification of the safety chain from detection to reaction.
Ole Dyval
Technology Specialist, Siemens A/S

Ole Dyval has been associated with Siemens since 2007, firstly as an instructor in SITRAIN and then as a Technology Specialist. Both positions have dealt with Integrated Safety.
Present ole is also Product Manager for SIMATIC Safety in Denmark.
15:30 16:00Exhibition │ Network
16:00 16:45TUV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH
Functional Safety & OT Cybersecurity - similarities & differences

Functional Safety & OT Cybersecurity are internationally standardized - they follow different aims, but have a strong connection which ensures hoilistic saftey and security. The background of the connection is simple, but the combination needs sometimes to be explained.
Florian Kiel
Sales Manager, TUV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH

Florian Kiel State Certified Engineer on Electronics as well as Marketing Specialist; 20 years of work experience in event industry and explosion protection industry. At present responsible for field sales on strategies and actions for TUV Rheinland.
16:45 17:00Wrap up
Wrap up by Karina With & Rikke Lund Jensen

Karina With
Presenter / Host, DotBlue A/S

Rikke Lund Jensen
Presenter / Host, DotBlue A/S
17:00 18:00Exhibition │ Network
18:00 20:30Evening Event Dinner
Network dinner with 3-course menu

Thursday, March 20th 2025

08:00 08:30Registry │ Breakfast
08:30 09:00Exhibition │ Network
09:00 09:45Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Some Human Factors lessons for safety critical industries

The presentation will sketch some modern developments in Human Factors (HF) with an emphasis on human-automation / human-AI interaction and the precarious balance between rules and safety
Henning Boje Andersen
Professor emeritus, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Henning Boje Andersen is professor emeritus at the Technical University of Denmark - DTU. His main areas of research concern Human-technology interaction in safety critical domain, main focus on healthcare
09:45 10:30Novo Nordisk
Human factors and authority requirements in the pharmaceutical industry
Ane Prehn Meyland
Property Risk Manager, Novo Nordisk
10:30 10:50Exhibition │ Network
10:50 11:35TVC Functional Safety Services
Rethinking Priorities in Functional Safety: A Management and Assessment-Centric Approach

How can a shift towards a more management and assessment-focused approach lead to better safety outcomes.
Also exploring practical strategies for enhancing FSM practices and optimizing FSA methodologies.
By redirecting the focus from numbers to nuanced safety management and evaluation, organizations can achieve a more reliable and effective safety system.
Tino Vande Capelle
FS Senior Expert (TÜV Pheinland, #0109/05, SIS), TVC Functional Safety Services FZ LLC

Tino, a senior Functional Safety Expert (#109/05) and TÜV Rheinland-accredited SIS Trainer, brings over 30 years of expertise in automation, process control, and field instrumentation. A senior ISA member, he shares his passion for Functional Safety through training, publications, and internationally acclaimed presentations
11:35 12:20Skovgaard Energy
Skovgaard Energy’s Journey to Functional Safety Management System

This presentation will highlight how Skovgaard Energy navigated the critical steps to ensure the safety and reliability of their systems throughout the entire safety lifecycle, from initial risk assessment to the implementation of robust safety measures.
Pat A Han
CTO, Skovgaard Energy

MsC in Chemical engineering from DTU. 17 years with Topsoe, Technology development. 5 years in France with Borealis producing ammonia / fertilizer.
12:20 14:00Lunch │ Exhibition & Network
14:00 14:45Rockwell Automation
Inert Gas Safety - Have we done enough?

A lack of prescriptive design standards, & wider facility design impacts on risk leads to uncertainty around the adequacy of existing safeguards when dealing with inert gases.
This presentation explores the functional safety life-cycle as a robust means to assess safeguard performance through a case study example.
Eoghan Harnedy
Senior Process / Safety Engineer, Rockwell Automation

Eoghan is a Chemical Engineer, MBA, and Functional Safety Practitioner (FSP), with over 12 years experience delivering projects to high hazard facilities across the Life sciences / Fine Chemical / Food & Beverage / Cement industries.
14:45 15:30Yokogawa Europe B.V.
Maintaining SIL with Proof Test Practical Experiences

The SIL of Safety Instrumented Functions need to be maintained in the SIS Operation and Maintenance phase. Therefore periodic Proof test and Inspection is required to reveal undetected faults that prevent the SIS from operating and to ensure that there are no unauthorized modifications. This presentation will provide practical experiences on what is required and what was practical possible to conduct Proof test and Inspection of the SIS.
Arjen de Koning
Senior Functional Safety Specialist, Yokogawa Europe B.V.

Arjen is a TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Expert with 33 years’ experience in Functional Safety in Asia and Europe. Member of MT 61508-1/2, MT 61508-3 and MT 61511. Enforcing IEC61508/61511 compliance in the Yokogawa Global Organization. TÜV Rheinland FS Engineer and FS technician trainer and Functional Safety Consultant with respect to HAZOP and Risk Assessments, SRS, Proof testing, FSM and SIS Validation.
15:30 15:45Wrap up Thanks for participating
Wrap up by Karina With & Rikke Lund Jensen - Get home safely

Karina With
Presenter / Host, DotBlue A/S

Rikke Lund Jensen
Presenter / Host, DotBlue A/S
15:45 16:30Exhibition │ Network

Join and experience exciting presentations, held in English. Get inspired by the professional speakers and valuable exhibitor.
Also visit the network area for expanding your network!

Everyone is welcome to participate.

Venue location & parking

The conference is held at Marienlyst Strandhotel – Nordre Strandvej 2A, DK-3000 Helsingør.
Marienlyst Strandhotel is located right on the beach and with the forest “in the backyard”. Marienlyst is completely unique with the views over Øresund and to Kronborg Castle.
If you traveling by car, free parking is available.
There are approx. 65 kilometers to Copenhagen Airport and 55 kilometers to Copenhagen Center which can be accessible by train or a cap.

Hotel & Accommodation

Accommodation is not included and must be separately booked – below you will find the closest hotels.

Food & Drinks

As a participant, there will be food and refreshments throughout both event days.
The price also includes access to the Evening Event Dinner on day 1.


There is free Wi-Fi during the conference, provided by the Venue location.

Terms & Conditions – Purchase / Change / Cancellation

The registration of participants is personal and access cannot be shared with others. To change or cancel a registration / subscription, please send an e-mail to event@dotblue.dk.

Please note

  • Purchases made by private individuals can be canceled no later than 14 days after receipt of order confirmation / invoice.
  • Cancellations received after this will not be entitled to a refund.
  • Purchases made by a person who, at the time of the order, is essentially acting within his profession or on behalf of a company, cannot cancel the purchased service – and will not be entitled to a refund.
    However, it is possible to transfer your registration to a colleague at no extra cost.
  • If you do not show up on the day of the event, the full participation fee will be charged, regardless of the reason.

In the event that the event is canceled by the organizer, the participation fee will be returned.
DotBlue is not responsible for further losses and liability cannot be held against DotBlue.

Your data will be used to process orders, participate in events and other purposes as described in our Privacy Policy.
See also our full Terms & Conditions for further information.


Få muligheden for at opleve flere af vores kurser og events – og bliv klogere på Functional Safety!

Mærk stemningen og læs mere fra vores afholdte Functional Safety events.

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FS Conference’252025-02-18T11:29:34+01:00
SIL bestemmelse af “Safety Instrumented Functions” – DK Kursus2024-01-04T11:13:56+01:00
Praktisk tilgang til ATEX installationer – DK Kursus2024-01-04T11:14:55+01:00
Risikovurdering – DK Kursus2025-02-18T12:06:20+01:00
Functional Safety Introduktion – DK kursus2025-02-18T12:04:22+01:00
FS Forum 20242024-11-04T13:50:23+01:00
Flere events og kurser på vej2024-09-24T13:06:40+02:00
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FS Conference’232024-01-04T11:33:12+01:00
FS Forum 20222024-01-04T11:35:10+01:00
FS Forum 20212024-01-04T11:38:17+01:00
Online Shop2024-09-24T13:04:01+02:00
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LinkedIn gruppe – Functional Safety Forum DK2023-12-01T00:30:35+01:00
FS Conference’172024-01-04T11:42:30+01:00
FS Conference’152024-01-04T11:43:33+01:00


Om DotBlue
Som arrangør af dette event, ønsker vi at gøre op med en ofte manglende forståelse eller mangel på sikkerhedsstandarder indenfor maskin- og procesindustrien.

Lavt prioritering, manglende løsningsforslag eller vanskeligheder med at forstå procedurer samt myndighedernes krav. Derudover opererer nogle virksomheder med overkvalificeret sikkerhedsløsninger, der kræver unødvendig og dyr vedligeholdelse. På grund af manglende eller ikke eksisterende sikkerhedsstandarder / procedurer kan ulykker opstå, ulykker, der let kunne have været forhindret.

At samle eksperter fra førende virksomheder, gør os i stand til at fremhæve de emner, der præsenterer de største udfordringer for slutbrugerne. I samarbejde med eksperter og myndigheder vil vi svare på spørgsmål og bidrage med værktøjer til løsninger, som deltagerne kan bringe hjem til deres virksomheder.

DotBlue stræber efter at gøre Functional Safety håndgribelig og sætter vigtigheden i fokus!

Kontakt arrangør
DotBlue A/S
E-mail:  event@dotblue.dk

Åbne kurser afholdes ved min. 6 tilmeldte deltagere.

Alle priser er oplyst ex. moms.
Vi tager forbehold for ændringer af tid, sted, indhold, aflysning, pris samt eventuelle trykfejl.

For din sikkerhed
Du er altid velkommen til at kontakte os, hvis du spørgsmål.